Saturday, March 17, 2012

The outcome of getting distracted

This wasn't on my to do list for today, but when I noticed my picture poster on my wall and how chaotic and messy it was, I got distracted and redid it.  This is what I came up with.

When I made it a few years ago, I used a sheet of cardboard and paintings from Norman Rockwell for the back ground.  You can see all the thumbtacks on it.   

I didn't have enough ribbon so I found some 'wrapping kind' ribbon

 After a while, I realized the paper and ribbon wouldn't really help the picture a change of plans led me to weave strips of leftover fabric through the ribbon for a background.  I was too lazy to start all over again. 
sorry about the angle.
 Once I made silver strips of ribbon one way, I wove white strips through the silver.
Its almost finished

The finish product

It may not look new or anything and it may only last a little while, but for now or at least until I try making one with a kit or directions, it'll do!!  It was fun making :-)

Now its back to my list!  Got some cleaning and odds and ends to finish :-) Maybe making some oatmeal cookies too!!  As for tomorrow, I'm gonna go hiking!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alanna
    i am new to your page, found it on a friends page. You are an amazing determined, courageous, person and fighter. You are an inspiration and a hero.

    I will be continuing to pray for you and keeping you my thoughts.
    Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
    Helen Keller
    How can elephants get down from a tree? He can sit on a leaf and wait until autumn.
