Saturday, February 11, 2012

Art class and update

I have been taking art classes downtown since I was thirteen.  My instructor studied in Italy and in California.  I'm in the middle of a four week portrait class.  Over the years I have learned so much from his class and am always challenged to improve my skills :-)  

Here is his website. Thomas Marsh

portrait from class

Sketch of a horse I did during my free time 

PT seems to be doing well.  I am getting more ankle, knee and hip pain than anything else.  My SI joint keeps coming out of place and a belt is on the way and should be here early next week.  I'm hoping that will give some pain relief and help keep things in place more.  I'm not supposed sit cross-legged (Indian style) anymore.  Not sitting cross- legged seemed really weird and hard not to do for the first week or so, but last week my SI was only out of place in two places instead of four the week prior. 

This past week or two has been a bomb for school and life in general.  The flu last week, pneumonia this past weekend and of course pneumonia doesn't disappear very fast.  So I have been taking naps and doing Chemistry homework whenever I can.  And of course I'm getting stir crazy from the cold weather and being inside so much.  But March is less than two months away :-)  Its just one step at a time even though you feel like you're stuck in a pit I guess.  I'm not good at it though ;-)


  1. WOW! You are such an artist! That's a gift I sure wasn't given! ;)

    You have some of the opposite problems than I have...I have problems with sitting in the "W" NOT Indian style! I can't sit Indian style because of my right hip, but the "W" is a much different story! :)

    I know you don't know me, but I just found your blog recently. I, too, have EDS amongst other things.

    If you'd like to visit my website it's


  2. Hi Allison,
    I sorry it took my a while to respond:(
    I actually found your website when you joined as a member of my blog! I'll keep following you and I have added you to my blog list:)

    My SI seems to be doing a little better. My hip and ankle are the two main things right now that my physical therapist doesn't know about yet. How does Indian style and the "W" way of sitting affect you?? Technically I shouldn't sit any way that my legs or turned or twisted.

    I'll be praying for you:)
